Programming principles in a nutshell

Keep in mind:

  • they are not tied to a specific language or technology
  • don’t memorize them
  • use wisely, they don’t fit everywhere
  • they are very universal (single function, whole architecture, database/API, drivers/interfaces)
  • “interface” could mean like from Java language or from the printer’s driver (doesn’t matter)


  • S - SRP - Single Responsibility Principle

    one responsibility

  • O - OCP - Open-closed Principle

    expandable without modification

  • L - LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle

    while extending, keep or extend the interface

  • I - ISP - Interface segregation Principle

    dedicated are better than generic

  • D - DIP - Dependency inversion Principle

    high-level things can’t depend on those at low-level


  • Loose coupling

    unrelated elements should have as few dependencies as possible

  • High cohesion

    related elements should be close to each other

DI & IoC

  • Depencendy Injection

    accept instances of others rather than creating them within

  • Inversion Of Control

    do not create dependencies, accept them (DI); delegation of events instead of sequences

Last but not least

  • DRY - Don’t Repeat Yourself

    divide and conquer - refactor

  • KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

    don’t overengineer - use basics

  • YAGNI - You Aren’t Gonna Need It

    requirements are always changing